Macq a rejoint l'Association Industrielle Artemis 23 févr. 2021 Nouvelles sur Macq Macq joined Artemis Industry Association Des nouvelles passionnantes! Depuis le début de l'année, Macq a rejoint l'association industrielle Artemis. Artemis est une organisation qui compte environ 200... En savoir plus
Notre Trends Top Classement 5 janv. 2021 Nouvelles sur Macq Let’s start 2021 on a positive note… We are excited to share that we received our official ranking in the Trends Top for this year, and we are thrilled with the results. Macq proudly secured 17th plac... En savoir plus
Ignition 8.0 Gold Certification! 9 déc. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq Big news!! Vincent, one of our Automation Engineers, has passed the IGNITION GOLD 8.0 Certification test! This means he is now officially certified and recognized to implement Ignition as a server sof... News at Macq En savoir plus
Trends Digital Pioneers 2020 Nomination 23 nov. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, companies that successfully harness technology to drive innovation, efficiency, and transformation stand out as true industry leaders. The Trends Digital Pione... News at Macq En savoir plus
Innover, c'est aussi faire de la recherche! 10 nov. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq As an innovation company we are continuously doing research on different topics. You can only innovate if you have a thorough knowledge of the product or service you want to offer. That is why we woul... En savoir plus
Le premier ITS en Wallonie! 25 sept. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq Doesn't every company want to make a *positive contribution to society ? At Macq we’re lucky enough to implement the ideal solution for all commuters of Namur. Together with Engie we implemented... News at Macq En savoir plus
Let's kick-off a series of webinars! 16 sept. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq A few weeks ago we hosted the first in a series of mobility-related webinars. We've already hosted two webinars, with great success! We're happy to announce the dates and topics for our following webi... News at Macq En savoir plus
Transformer les revers en opportunités 28 août 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq 2020 est certainement une année très spéciale, et il semble que la situation va se poursuivre pendant encore un certain temps. Cette situation nous oblige à gérer de manière créative tous les événemen... News at Macq En savoir plus
Macq & InTouch unissent leurs forces 4 août 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq In Belgium, cities and municipalities can issue *MAS fines (Municipal Administrative Sanction) *for breaches of their municipal regulations. Since the proceeds of these fines go entirely to the cities... News at Macq En savoir plus
Rencontrer Macq - Emission de television "De Barometer" 15 juil. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq When we got contacted by the Dutch television show “De Barometer” if they could do a short documentary about us, we couldn’t resist! De Barometer is a programme about success stories from the entrepre... Innovation News at Macq Reference En savoir plus
Notre premier webinaire, un grand succès! 2 juil. 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq We've all had some unusual months in 2020. Many events were cancelled. What to do if we cannot organize our Innovation Labs face-to-face anymore? Then we just organize them online, right? On June 30th... En savoir plus
Croître en tant qu’entreprise avec la bonne stratégie de marketing 12 juin 2020 Nouvelles sur Macq Connaître une croissance saine, un phénomène auquel toute entreprise aspire. Over the years, the Smart Mobility Sector has changed enormously. We are used to presenting our products and services over ... Belgium News at Macq En savoir plus