Discover with us the 'Streets For Life' United Nations initiative
We introduce you the United Nations Streets for Life program, the movement for safer roads. Macq, as a recognized player in Smart Mobility and Road Safety, naturally supports this UN initiative and strives to make a positive contribution to it, by making our world's roads safer.
Augmentation de la circulation à Bruxelles en direction de 2e sommet Covid-19
This blogpost is the last of the research that EluciDATA Lab & Macq worked on together about the interesting volume patterns in Brussels traffic during these Covid-times.
La petite ceinture de Bruxelles se guérit progressivement
This blogpost is the continuation of the research that EluciDATA Lab & Macq worked on together about the interesting volume patterns in Brussels traffic during Covid.
What are HOV-lanes, carpooling & how does it work?
In this blogpost you can find everything you need to know about carpooling and its advantages. You can also get an insight on how to control the use of HOV-lanes.
Unravelling volume patterns of Brussels traffic in times of Covid-19
This blogpost is the last of the research that EluciDATA Lab & Macq worked on together about the interesting volume patterns in Brussels traffic during these Covid-times.
The importance of Trajectory Checks and the impact on our society
Research done by Macq & PoliVisu has shown that 2 years after the start of the trajectory checks, there are up to 4 times less speeding violations within the given distance.
Qu'est-ce que l'homologation et quelle est son importance?
Lorsque vous recherchez en ligne le terme "homologation", vous ne trouvez souvent que quelques définitions et textes juridiques. Un autre mot qui est plus souvent utilisé est celui d'approbation de modèle. Mais que signifie réellement ce terme?