The C-MobILE Project
Le projet
C-MobILE (Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe) vise
à mettre en place un trafic routier totalement sûr et efficace, sans victimes
ni blessés graves sur les routes européennes, en particulier pour les usagers
vulnérables dans les zones urbaines complexes. Nous
envisageons une mobilité sans embouteillages, durable et économiquement viable,
en minimisant l'impact environnemental du trafic routier.

The C-MobILE project will produce folowing key results:
C-ITS framework defined in partnerships with major stakeholders for proposing key deployment enabling solutions on existing pilot sites, including business cases
Strategic Research Agenda defined for key researching and innovation areas that promote sustainable C-ITS deployments and will lead towards automated transport in Europe
Assessment including CBA of the cumulative real-life benefits of clustering C-ITS applications and integrating multiple transport modes in the C-ITS ecosystem
Open secure large-scale C-ITS deployment of new and existing applications demonstrated in complex urban environments interoperable across countries involving large groups of end users
Provide an open platform towards C-ITS sources to support deployment of service concepts on commodity devices, validated by developer communities
Validated operational procedures for large-scale deployment of sustainable C-ITS services in Europe.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723311.