Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Run-up in Brussels traffic towards the 2nd Covid-19 Peak

This blogpost is the last of the research that EluciDATA Lab & Macq worked on together about the interesting volume patterns in Brussels traffic during these Covid-times .

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Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

The small ring of Brussels is getting gradually cured

This blogpost is the continuation of the research that EluciDATA Lab & Macq worked on together about the interesting volume patterns in Brussels traffic during these Covid-times .

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Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

What are HOV-lanes, carpooling & how does it work?

In this blogpost you can find everything you need to know about carpooling and its advantages. You can also get an insight on how to control the use of HOV-lanes. 

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Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Unravelling volume patterns of Brussels traffic in times of Covid-19.

This involves a blogpost about the impact of Covid-19 on Brussels traffic. A research of EluciDATA Lab & Macq reveals interesting volume patterns.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

The importance of Trajectory Checks and the impact on our society.

Research done by Macq & PoliVisu has shown that 2 years after the start of the trajectory checks, there are up to 4 times less speeding violations within the given distance. 

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Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

What is homologation and exactly how important is it?

When you go online and look up the term “homologation”, you will probably find not much more than just a few definitions and some legal documents. A different, more frequently used word is Model Approval. But what is the precise meaning of this term? 

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