Le covoiturage 

Let's get started by explaining the term "carpooling". Some synonyms you might be familiar with: ride-sharing or lift-sharing. We talk about carpooling when car journeys are shared so that more than one person travels in the same car.

This allows you to share travel costs with other people, which of course benefits your wallet. If a significant number of people were to take part in carpooling, that would solve the problem of congestions in many places. Or just think of the increasing air pollution and general CO2 emissions. The rule remains: the fewer cars on the road, the less congestions & pollution.

Odoo • A picture with a caption
Example of an HOV-lane.

Voies réservées aux VOM (Véhicules à Occupation Multiple) en Anglais: HOV 

   carpooling is increasingly being promoted by governments all over the world. This has manifested itself in the emergence of HPT lanes.

HOV stands for "High Occupancy Vehicle". Some countries have already introduced the use of HOV-lanes. It is a separate driving compartment where only High Occupancy Vehicles are allowed to drive, such as a bus, or a car with 3 or 4 occupants.

A car often has a capacity of 4 full seats. But in the vast majority of all cars there is only 1 person, the driver. As a result, the majority of cars will not be allowed to use HOV-lanes, which means that you will often reach your destination much faster via a HOV-lane than by using the normal driving lanes (traffic jams, etc.). 

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il?

Vous pouvez imaginer que l'utilisation correcte des voies réservées aux véhicules à fort taux d'occupation nécessite une sorte de mécanisme de contrôle. Il suffit de voir combien de personnes utilisent rapidement la bande d'arrêt d'urgence pendant un embouteillage pour ne pouvoir s'insérer que quelques mètres plus loin.

Grâce aux caméras ANPR, il est possible de compter assez précisément le nombre d'occupants d'une voiture donnée. Pour commencer, nous avons besoin de deux caméras ANPR qui peuvent lire à la fois la plaque d'immatriculation à l'avant et la plaque d'immatriculation à l'arrière de la voiture. Bien sûr, nous devons aussi savoir combien de personnes se trouvent réellement dans la voiture

For this purpose, we are going to place another 2 ROV cameras between the 2 ANPR cameras (ROV = Reconaissance Occupants Véhicule). These ROV cameras are aimed at the windscreen and side windows of the car.

Ces 4 caméras envoient ensemble toutes les données à un système back-office qui, à son tour, les convertira en informations précieuses, telles que le véhicule qui utilise la voie réservée aux véhicules à fort taux d'occupation, la plaque d'immatriculation liée à ce véhicule et le nombre d'occupants comptés. 

One has to indicate in advance with which number plate and with how many occupants a vehicle will use the HOV-lane. This makes it perfectly possible to check whether or not a certain vehicle is supposed to drive on the HOV-lane. 

Filtre polarisé

The driver or occupants of a car are very often difficult to see on the screen, due to sunlight reflecting on the windscreen, rain, hail, ...

Heureusement, ce problème a été résolu en définissant un filtre polarisé pour la camera. Ce filtre élimine automatiquement toute réflexion sur le verre.

Comment un passager est-il détecté?

The Macq CAM 5P cameras are equipped with Artificial Intelligence. To clarify: artificial intelligence is termed artificial intelligence when an artifact displays a form of intelligence. This allows the camera to identify faces and thus count the number of occupants in a car. It is important to know that only individuals can be detected here, and not who that particular person is or what identity that person has.

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