Revolutionizing Road Safety: Macq's SCaaS (now TaaS) Featured in Bee Smart Mobility Report
7 juni, 2024 in
Macq SA, EL AMMOURI Kaoutar

We are honoured to share with you that our innovative SCaaS (Section Control as a Service) has been featured in the news article by Bee Smart City in their last Mobility Report.

For those unfamiliar with SCaaS, this system enables towns and cities with limited financial resources to acquire high-tech road safety enforcement solutions, including cameras and software, without any upfront investment costs, as data shows that this solution drastically reduces speeding and sustainably changes driving behaviour. 

One successful example of the effectiveness of SCaaS in the city of Bilzen, where significant changes in driving behaviour were observed within just three months of implementing the system.  Here's an example of the trend in Bilzen drivers adhering to speed limits  where grey represents before SCaaS and yellow after installation: 

With fewer drivers exceeding speed limits, the reduction ranged from around 10% to over 40%, depending on the location. According to the Belgian institutional agency VIAS, the implementation of the Speed Section Control solution led to a 30% decrease in the average number of accidents and a remarkable 56% reduction in severe accidents involving serious injuries or fatalities.

SCaaS is the perfect solution for any town or city wishing to equip itself with high-performance systems that make a real difference. Moreover, in Macq we provide services to restrict access to certain urban areas, allowing only specific types of vehicles into restricted zones during designated times for enhanced safety. 

Macq is dedicated to optimizing mobility and ensuring a sustainable future for all, by giving policymakers the tools they need for smart, tailored decisions.

Discover more about SCaaS services, permitting our system installation without any upfront investments, in this short presentation video.

And discover in detail the complete Bee Smart City Mobility Report by clicking here:  Download the Report