DRiVING Project
Distributed Recognition Infrastructure for Intelligent traffic camera Networks.
TORRES Project
Traffic prOcessing foR uRban EnvironmentS
SINTRA Project
SINTRA is an open data-streaming AI platform that facilitates cross-coordination & cross-organizational interoperability in order to ensures trustworthiness in the safety and security monitoring.
Traffic Analysis while Sustaining Privacy with Artificial Intelligence for Recognition
PoliVisu Project
Dit onderzoeks- en innovatieproject is ontworpen om de traditionele beleidsvorming van de overheid te laten evolueren met behulp van big data.
A European project that develops technology to solve two growing problems: patient-centric care and automated driving.
MIRAI Project
Machine intelligence techniques for smart and sustainable planning and operation of IoT and Edge computing applications
C-MobILE Project
DIt project streeft naar wegtransport dat veilig & efficiënt verloopt, zonder slachtoffers te maken of enstige ongevallen te veroorzaken op de Europese wegen.
CORFOU Project
COnception d’un Radar de FOUle (conception of a Crowd radar system)
The aim of the BRIGHTER project is to develop future improvements in micro-bolometer technologies, which can be used to provide infrared vision for cameras. This type of technology could be extremely powerful, but is still under-exploited today.
DistriMuSe Project
The aim of the DistriMuSe project is to advance intelligent systems for improving human health and safety through innovative sensing technologies.