Shaping the future of innovation for the next century
After an absence of 3 years, we're back with another edition of our well-known Innovation Lab!
The Innovation Lab brings together Policymakers, Researchers and Mobility Experts to debate and shape the future of research & innovation in smart mobility.
We assembled the agenda with great care, including presentations from innovators such as Instituut voor Mobiliteit (Universiteit Hasselt), Mobilise (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), VIAS as well as several departments from Macq.
We've had some interesting presentations & topics that were presented during the innovation lab.
François Macq (Macq) - Already 100 years of Macq
Prof. Wim Ectors (Uhasselt - imob) - Automatic proactive road safety evaluation based on traffic conflict observation
Julien Demori (Macq) - Monitoring of railroad crossings
Richard Arndt (Rialgo realtime systems & BVST) - Autonomous Driving: Vision, legal framework conditions, required intelligent infrastructure & lessons lea rned
Naomi Wardenier (VIAS) - The national road side survey on speeding
Jean-François Delplace (Macq) - Introducing the data solutions from Macq
Dr. Imre Keseru (VUB-mobilise) - The digitalisation of Mobility: Making sure that everyone has access
Jean-François Coppieters & Christoph Staudt (Macq) - What's next?