"The idea is to get more and more of these" - RTL article on Macq Smart Cameras is here!
16 oktober, 2024 in
"The idea is to get more and more of these" - RTL article on Macq Smart Cameras is here!

Video Source​: RTL.be Website

Increased safety on Belgian roads thanks to Speed Section Control

The Macq Smart Camera system has halved the total number of accidents in Wallonia, the southern region of Belgium. Macq is delighted with this achievement and its contribution to safer roads. RTL media have come up with a clear article on the real effects of speed camera zones, with analyses and figures from the VIAS Institute (translated from French)

Good statistic improvements for the VIAS institute

"The number of people killed on our roads has fallen by 12%. According to the VIAS Institute for Road Safety, there have never been so few victims on the roads. VIAS credits these good results to the effectiveness of section radars.

They are now a familiar sight along our motorways: section radars that measure our average speed over a distance of several hundred metres, or even several kilometres. Drivers are often caught out by these devices, and adapt their speed accordingly."

The example of the 12 km stretch of the E42

"According to a recent study by the VIAS safety institute, these radars help to reduce the number of accidents. Take, for example, the 12-kilometre stretch of the E42 near Fleurus. The impact is massive: before the installation of a section speed camera, there were an average of 30 accidents a year in the area, compared with 11 today"

As the Belgian VIAS institute has noted, and as this article points out, Macq contributes actively to reduce the number of fatal road accidents everywhere its systems are installed.

Macq is delighted to be making a positive impact in Belgium, Europe and elsewhere in the world. We are pushing safety in mobility.

If you'd like to find out more, you can read this RTL article here in its original version, and if you also want to improve safety on your roads, you can find out more by clicking on the following links, to discover Macq Speed Section Control Services and QCAM5 Speed Camera Flagship.

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