Data Solutions

Based on modern machine learning algorithms, we offer several solutions for multiple applications in smart mobility.

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Meet the Data Solutions Team

Macq has a dedicated team that focusses on developing data-driven machine learning algorithms in the field of smart mobility. As such, they cover the entire data value chain, starting from data acquisition, all the way to the dissemination of results. 

The applications are numerous, but mostly focus on traffic analytics and modelling. This multidisciplinary team, consisting of data scientists, software developers and engineers, is always eager to work on new and innovative applications.

The data solutions department at Macq has a vast experience in all stages of the data lifecycle: 

  • Data acquisition: 
    The data lifecycle begins with data collection, where we have expertise in collecting both raw structured and unstructured data from different sensors and sensing technologies. The team's core experience primarily revolves around handling large volumes of mobility and traffic data, such as ANPR recognitions, data from inductive counting loops, but also floating car data, amongst many others. These can originate directly from the sensor or can be acquired through various APIs.  

  • Data cleaning: 
    Several data analysis and cleaning methods have been developed in-house, often tailored to geospatial and time series data.

  • Data processing: 
    We offer expertise in training and deploying custom machine learning algorithms for various applications and use cases in smart mobility. 

  • Data visualization and dissemination: 
    There exist many ways to valorize data and results. Our data scientists offer intuitive visualizations through reports and interactive dashboards. Since many applications and studies are based on geospatial data, we create intuitive dashboards with maps as a way to visualize and explore the data