WEBINAR - Our School Safety System - Providing the Highest Protection for our children

Did you know that 78% of accidents involving children during school hours occur within 300m of the school?
5% of these accidents take place in the school-specific 30 km/h zone. Needless to say that it’s becoming an urgent matter to increase our children’s safety around their school environment.

During this webinar we will give you an insight on how we can minimize the risk of accidents and drastically increase safety around schools.

It involves a complete solution with a wide range of measures that can be taken to protect your children in their school environment.

Topics we will cover during this Live webinar:

  • How we can control the average speed behaviour

  • Monitoring of temporary Restricted Traffic Zones

  • Management of Variable Message Signs (VMS)

  • Monitoring "Kiss & Ride" zones & detecting those who stay too long

  • Real time "Pedestrian Warning System"

  • Display educative statistics & information raising awareness


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