Discover our Software Modules for this purpose
What is a Restricted Traffic Zone?
Ensuring safety within your city or company relies on strictly controlling access to designated areas, admitting entry only to authorized vehicles and individuals. Our smart cameras and software detect licence plates, verify access rights, and controls the barriers or gates on an accurate and smooth way, guaranteeing safety in car-free zones, school streets or private sites. Our integrated whitelist enables easy creation of tailored authorizations for specific vehicles, such as residents or personnel, which, combined with our time scheduler, guarantees smooth and secure access.
Moreover, our smart cameras can detect occupants both in the front and rear, which, in addition to monitor carpool lanes, can also be used to prevent unauthorized passengers from entering the property unnoticed in authorized vehicles or with badge holders. This feature adds another layer to your security measures.

Car-Free Zone case in Mechelen City
Ten years ago, Mechelen embarked on a visionary journey by establishing a car-free zone in its city center to enhance the urban environment. To manage access, the city developed the STRIX software, connected to Macq G3 cameras, employing ANPR technology to record license plates and compare them with whitelists.
Retroactive validation facilitated access requests for citizens, tourists, and vendors, ensuring a seamless city experience. This pioneering initiative in Mechelen, initially ahead of its time, has become an example for other cities around the world.
Mechelen's transformation into a sustainable city stands as a success story, serving as inspiration for cities worldwide seeking innovative solutions for urban mobility and improved quality of life.