Safe Schools

Improve Traffic Safety around your schools and other Sensitive Areas

Macq's Safe Schools Solution (S³) offers a holistic end-to-end approach to enhance road safety around schools and other sensitive areas. S³ adresses speeding and parking violations, alerts drivers of crossing pedestrians, and controls entry to car-free zones, ensuring thorough safety measures.

Let's get in touch

Challenges you may have:

Create safe school environments by  controlling entry to your restricted traffic zones, allowing only authorized vehicles access.


Unlock valuable insights and make informed decisions through real-time traffic monitoring and in-depth analysis.


Ensure an efficient use of Kiss & Rides by monitoring users' parking duration via license plates detection.


Improve traffic safety near schools with dynamic signs alerting drivers to crossing pedestrians and enforcing speed limits.


​Macq's features to secure your areas & schools

Blacklist specific vehicles

Red Lights intersection safety

Railway Crossing, real time safety system

Control of Variable Message Signs (VMS)

Overtaking bans & detection

Kiss & Ride for School or other uses

Whitelist for specific &
authorized vehicles

 Detect & reduce unsafe driving behaviours with Rat Running

Detect vehicles driving in the wrong direction with Ghost Driver

Track vehicles with Search Query

​Easy returns

Our contribution

Macq's advanced camera and sensor system enhance urban security by collecting data and integrating it into a mobility management and visualization platform. The system is designed for easy security implementation around schools, level crossings, and road intersections, providing rapid access to essential data.

Macq offers a comprehensive solution to reduce risk through a combination of prevention and deterrence. For instance, the system can now promptly notify the presence of pedestrians on public roads by connecting cameras to variable message signs.

Furthermore, Macq envisions alleviating traffic congestion in specific urban areas by restricting access to authorized vehicles only, such as emergency services, individuals with reduced mobility, or public transportation.

The players involved

  • Residents & Tourists
  • Local and Urban Authorities
  • Schools
  • Local Police department
  • Public and Private Transport Operators

Our key points

End-to-end control of solution implementation

A long-standing company with over 100 years of know-how

A modular, easy-to-implement platform

High-performance, easy-to-use, multifunctional sensors and cameras

Constantly evolving technologies

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